If the picture below makes you scratch your head and wonder, you will be amazed at the great work of Lynne McTaggart, former investigative science reporter. In her books and online experiments, Lynne has meticulously used science to design and describe her "intention experiments", one of which I personally participated in.
Basically, she has designed a protocol whereby a group (LARGE or small :) holds an intention to help someone or something. It might be a health issue, finances or even peace! The results are positive not only for the issue the group focuses on and sends the intention to help, but also for the participants!
In the latest of her four outstanding books, The Power of Eight, Lynne describes her intention experiment work and the science behind it.
I've been following Lynne's work for more than a decade. Years ago, I personally participated in her first Peace Intention Experiment, where over ten thousand of us focused ten minutes a day for a week on the 25 year civil war in Sri Lanka, with the intention of reducing violence and deaths and bringing peace to the area. You can read all about it in her book, but, in summary, the violence and death did, in fact reduce more and more, and within six months peace was declared!
Lynne more recently focused on small group intention. What it showed was that, not only did the person intended for by a small group have an improvement in their issue, overwhelmingly the majority of people DOING the intending also had a positive benefit in their own lives!
I am also.
In fact, I'm taking the 2018 year-long master class in Intention with Lynne, and am very excited.
I've been "dabbling" myself already, though, doing intentions with my clients before their sessions. Honestly, the results have been even greater and more immediate successes, PLUS my practice has grown exponentially!
I'm starting my own two month weekly "group of eight" with clients and friends next week, and looking excitedly forward to what will unfold!
It's a way to be pro-active and partner in your own success. If you're interested in this notion, let me know on the Contact page. I'll put you on line for my next intention group!