TBI & Other Acquired Brain Issues
May be Helped With the Irlen Method
In addition to inherited perceptual processing issues, a growing body of evidence is showing that TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) and non-traumatic brain injury, such as stroke, may also greatly benefit from the Irlen Method, as well as the Body Code. One reason is that, by the relaxation of the brain through use of the correct combination of color and stress reduction, the brain's natural neuroplasticity is able to better heal. See below for more information
The Military & Veterans
Military personel are at great risk for brain issues from noise and contact-related injuries. The Irlen Method and the Body Code show great promise to help them.
Head Injury Studies
There is mounting evidence that stress reduction and the use of color, through Irlen Spectral lenses, can help a large percentage of people with head injury to achieve a better outcome
(Copyright © 1998-2015 by Perceptual Development Corp/Helen Irlen. All rights reserved.)