Attention, Auditory Processing & Impulsivity may be worse because of Irlen Syndrome
AttentionMore children and adults than ever before are diagnosed with Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder. Because of the extreme overworking of the brain with Irlen Syndrome, an important part of the solution is missing when it is not diagnosed and remediated.
Auditory ProcessingPerceptual processing may affect auditory processing. In fact, a problem understanding a particular individual might not even be their voice. For example, a child with visual perceptual difficulties could have trouble processing speech if the speaker moved their hands a great deal or even had a nervous twitch.
(see: In fact, many parents of children with dyslexia say that the symptoms of dyslexia appear to be indistinguishable from those that describe an auditory processing disorder. |
ImpulsivityImpulsivity and behavioral issues can be worse if there is undiagnosed and untreated Irlen Syndrome. This is not only due to the overworking and over-stressing of the brain; it may also be triggered or made worse by low self-image from poor performance and anger from criticism and labeling.
(Copyright © 1998-2015 by Perceptual Development Corp/Helen Irlen. All rights reserved.)