Self-tests can give clues about whether to get a screening
Self-tests increase awareness about which issues that are present may indicate Irlen Syndrome. There are several different self-tests. Three are included below for your convenience. If you would like to have us review any you take, you may email the form with filled in answers to us at [email protected]. The button below will take you to the self-test page of the Irlen Institute website,, where there are additional self-tests. NOTE: IF THREE OR MORE SYMPTOMS ARE PRESENT ON ANY OF THE SELF-TESTS, A SCREENING IS INDICATED |
Long Self-TestThe Long Self-Test covers all of the
areas Irlen may impact. |
Light Sensitivity
Headache Self-TestThe Headache Self-Test has questions about headache and migraine symptoms
(Copyright © 1998-2015 by Perceptual Development Corp/Helen Irlen. All rights reserved.)