Sports Issues, Clumsiness, Nausea & Dizziness may be Irlen Syndrome
Depth perception and motor coordination issues can show up in many ways, including inability to catch or hit a ball,
use an escalator, bumping into things, poor spatial or driving judgment, falling and clumsiness. Activities like going on
an escalator can cause dizziness. Also, movement, reading and even fluorescent lights or glare may trigger
nausea or dizziness.
use an escalator, bumping into things, poor spatial or driving judgment, falling and clumsiness. Activities like going on
an escalator can cause dizziness. Also, movement, reading and even fluorescent lights or glare may trigger
nausea or dizziness.
(Copyright © 1998-2015 by Perceptual Development Corp/Helen Irlen. All rights reserved.)