People often ask "how many sessions will I need?"
They understand when I explain there's really no way for me to predict that. Usually they get to me after having gone through the gamut of many types of methods--medical and otherwise--without really progressing.
Recently I had a new client who had severe sensitivity to noise, plus gradual physical deterioration to the point where she could barely work. A relatively young 60's, she was desperate to be helped.
In her session the emotions of frustration, shock, worthless were identified and released, along with an intense reaction to her name as said condescendingly by her sister when they were children.
She said she felt more energy, but didn't "feel" any instant changes, to speak of, aside from feeling "lighter" and more relaxed.
Here, however, is the email I just got from her, four days later:
So far, this is what I've noticed after the work we did on Sept. 3:
* Didn't jump out of my skin Tues. when a bus honked repeatedly as I walked in front of it. If that wasn't enough, as I stepped on my bus, he yelled at me for making him stop his bus (was in the shelter, so couldn't see him arrive) to let me on. This is amazing, as I USED to startle extremely easily! Well, I did have earplugs in. Still, I absolutely startled less than I ever have both physically and emotionally.
* Felt more comfortable around a very difficult co-worker.
* Neck & shoulders looser for a couple of days -- reverted since.
* Felt a slight shift in my over-all emotional comfort.
Obviously, everyone is different, still it's a great indication of what's "possible" with even one session.
What are you waiting for? Put the sparkle back in your life (or get it for the first time!)
People often ask "how many sessions will I need?"
They understand when I explain there's really no way for me to predict that. Usually they get to me after having gone through the gamut of many types of methods--medical and otherwise--without really progressing.
Recently I had a new client who had severe sensitivity to noise, plus gradual physical deterioration to the point where she could barely work. A relatively young 60's, she was desperate to be helped.
In her session the emotions of frustration, shock, worthless were identified and released, along with an intense reaction to her name as said condescendingly by her sister when they were children.
She said she felt more energy, but didn't "feel" any instant changes, to speak of, aside from feeling "lighter" and more relaxed.
Here, however, is the email I just got from her, four days later:
So far, this is what I've noticed after the work we did on Sept. 3:
* Didn't jump out of my skin Tues. when a bus honked repeatedly as I walked in front of it. If that wasn't enough, as I stepped on my bus, he yelled at me for making him stop his bus (was in the shelter, so couldn't see him arrive) to let me on. This is amazing, as I USED to startle extremely easily! Well, I did have earplugs in. Still, I absolutely startled less than I ever have both physically and emotionally.
* Felt more comfortable around a very difficult co-worker.
* Neck & shoulders looser for a couple of days -- reverted since.
* Felt a slight shift in my over-all emotional comfort.
Obviously, everyone is different, still it's a great indication of what's "possible" with even one session.
What are you waiting for? Put the sparkle back in your life (or get it for the first time!)