Sometimes the degree or speed of improvement Body Code clients experience astounds even me! Such a story happened this the summer.
Rachel (not her real name), who brought a child in for an Irlen Syndrome Screening, shared with me that she had been diagnosed with Macular Degeneration--normally a problem of older people--even though she is in her 30's. Her vision in one eye had, in her words "exploded", leaving the center part of that eye's field "empty".
I offered that, although I didn't know anything in medicine that could help it, aside from drops to try to slow its usually inevitable progression to blindness, it was reasonable that anything which helped her emotionally could possibly reduce the resultant stress and prevent further deterioration.
She came for sessions, and was able to quickly reduce extreme anger she was experiencing. After the 3rd session, I had her use the Macular Degeneration sound track from one of my teachers 24/7.
At her 4th session, Rachel said, "You know, my eye is better."
When I asked how, she said, "the exploded area where I can't see is smaller."
I was ecstatic, although surprised.
At her 5th session, Rachel announced that her eyesight had returned to normal! It was subsequently verified by her opthalmologist.
She continues to improve her life in additional ways both for greater happiness and as prevention to her macular degeneration returning.
There's no way to predict how creating a favorable emotional and mental condition for healing can positively affect any given medical issue.
Rachel (not her real name), who brought a child in for an Irlen Syndrome Screening, shared with me that she had been diagnosed with Macular Degeneration--normally a problem of older people--even though she is in her 30's. Her vision in one eye had, in her words "exploded", leaving the center part of that eye's field "empty".
I offered that, although I didn't know anything in medicine that could help it, aside from drops to try to slow its usually inevitable progression to blindness, it was reasonable that anything which helped her emotionally could possibly reduce the resultant stress and prevent further deterioration.
She came for sessions, and was able to quickly reduce extreme anger she was experiencing. After the 3rd session, I had her use the Macular Degeneration sound track from one of my teachers 24/7.
At her 4th session, Rachel said, "You know, my eye is better."
When I asked how, she said, "the exploded area where I can't see is smaller."
I was ecstatic, although surprised.
At her 5th session, Rachel announced that her eyesight had returned to normal! It was subsequently verified by her opthalmologist.
She continues to improve her life in additional ways both for greater happiness and as prevention to her macular degeneration returning.
There's no way to predict how creating a favorable emotional and mental condition for healing can positively affect any given medical issue.