Often people ask how quickly they will see a difference for themselves if they come to me.
Happily for people with Irlen Syndrome, the answer is "INSTANTLY"!
That's right. When the right combination of colors is found, the most common thing I hear is, "OH!" Then they usually comment on what has instantly improved, whether things have stopped moving or they feel less strain, pressure or pain.
It's one of the reasons my Irlen screening work is so gratifying.
With the Body Code, after a session people usually comment that they feel "more relaxed" or "lighter". Or they may notice they feel less stressed or happier. In the next days or weeks, their issue can stop or they may have a marked improvement
Of course, people who have Body Code sessions are usually dealing with years or decades of an unhappy life pattern. In this case, as they continue to do sessions, they gradually notice that the feeling or issue is less frequent, less intense, shorter duration. That is the indication that they're replacing the limiting pattern of thought or action with a more positive one, and attracting happier things into their lives.
Why don't you see how rapidly your life changes with either the Body Code or an Irlen screening. You will will be glad you did!
Often people ask how quickly they will see a difference for themselves if they come to me.
Happily for people with Irlen Syndrome, the answer is "INSTANTLY"!
That's right. When the right combination of colors is found, the most common thing I hear is, "OH!" Then they usually comment on what has instantly improved, whether things have stopped moving or they feel less strain, pressure or pain.
It's one of the reasons my Irlen screening work is so gratifying.
With the Body Code, after a session people usually comment that they feel "more relaxed" or "lighter". Or they may notice they feel less stressed or happier. In the next days or weeks, their issue can stop or they may have a marked improvement
Of course, people who have Body Code sessions are usually dealing with years or decades of an unhappy life pattern. In this case, as they continue to do sessions, they gradually notice that the feeling or issue is less frequent, less intense, shorter duration. That is the indication that they're replacing the limiting pattern of thought or action with a more positive one, and attracting happier things into their lives.
Why don't you see how rapidly your life changes with either the Body Code or an Irlen screening. You will will be glad you did!