One of the great results for me of effectively dealing with these "bumps" is the positivity with which I thankfully now see life. This has come as a result of letting go of limiting emotions and beliefs, which has made me quite a happy person. Happy not "because" of anything external, rather an ever-present resonance of positivity.
In fact, the more I dig down deep to let go of negative thoughts--even fleeting ones--the more positivity comes.
One big influence is the development of gratitude. Every day, at every possible opportunity, I express gratitude to The Creator for even the slightest good. What that has resulted in is the attraction of more good, bringing ever more opportunities for gratitude.
The Laws of Attraction of Quantum Physics validate my experience. Basically, the frequency and intensity of our thoughts--especially the subconscious ones which broadcast 24/7, are the biggest factor in what "shows up" in our lives. Transform them and you now have a 24/7 "broadcast" of positive, which attracts like resonance.
This is true in every area of life, including with Irlen Syndrome symptoms. Recently, I experienced a very unusual resistant chest cold. It brought up old patterns of thought and worry about why I couldn't overcome it as is usual.
Suddenly, there was a re-occurrence of my Irlen symptoms! It was almost worse than originally. Dealing with the underlying worry and clearing all emotional imbalances resulted in the disappearance of not only the negative thoughts, but also the lingering cold and Irlen symptoms.
Do you have "bumps" that are calling for attention? You're invited to try our free mini Body Code session to see how it can help.
Successfully yours...